Canard Aircraft For Sale - Long EZ aircraft for sale. Velocity aircraft for sale. Cozy aircraft for sale. SQ 2000 aircraft for sale. Canard aircraft for sale. Veri EZ aircraft for sale. E racer for sale. Quicki aircraft for sale. Pusher aircraft for sale.
Rutan aircraft for sale. Defiant Aircraft for sale. Fiberglass aircraft for sale. Fast aircraft for sale. Home built aircraft for sale. Homebuilt aircraft for sale. Experimental aircraft for sale. Plans built aircraft for sale. The page you are looking for no longer exists.
Canard Aircraft For Sale
Perhaps you can return back to the homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it by using the search form below. If you have parts for sale or a canard aircraft I
would be happy to list them on this page and a new page called Parts 4 Sale. Just click on the contact me link and send the information. Yes, I can post pictures with the add.
Just make sure they are under 100 KB and attach them to the email. There is no charge for this. Make sure you provide a contact phone number and the basic sale information. Links to find a canard airplane: or just do a search on the type of aircraft you're looking for. Go to Google and type in (EXAMPLE) : cozy +aircraft +for +sale or Long EZ +for +Sale
You can also look in Aircraft Trader at your local drug store/magazine stand or ask around at the local EAA chapter meetings. You will be able to find lots of canard type planes for sale if you look around.
But please follow this one piece of advice, stay clear of a man called the Canard Finder / Beagle. If you want to know why just go to page 8 and read the Long EZ Pre-buy story.
or click on this link Canard Finder David Orr
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